• HomeEnglish Kids Club 5 GREEN – 15 years!

English Kids Club 5 GREEN – 15 years!

We sincerely congratulate everyone on this event and wish parents, children, teachers and all partners of 5 GREEN strong children’s hugs and ringing happy laughter, good ideas, bright hope and accompanying good luck.

5 GREEN loves not only to receive gifts, but also to give them! In honor of the birthday of the club for all those who have recently joined us, all October there is a 50% discount on the entrance fee! And for our long-time friends we are preparing a surprise in our favorite club!

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Частная школа

Москва, Ходынский бульвар, дом 19. (9 минут от метро ЦСКА).

Детский сад

Москва, Ходынский бульвар, дом 5, к.4. (7 минут от метро ЦСКА).