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Classes that inspire and develop!

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Изучение китайского языка детям 5Green
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children's contemporary dance
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Sign up for a trial lesson

Sign up for a trial lesson and make sure your child is comfortable and interested. We will introduce them to the program, teachers and atmosphere of the club so that you can make an informed choice.

Why do parents choose us?

We are trusted by hundreds of families because at 5Green, children learn joyfully, develop at their own pace, and grow in a supportive environment. We help kids discover their talents, learn languages with confidence and prepare for the future by combining learning, play and care.

Classes for all ages

Programs are designed for children from 2 years of age, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

Modern methods and programs

A variety of programs using effective best practices.

Professional teachers

Experienced mentors to help children grow and develop.

Convenient schedule

Flexible schedules of classes, the ability to combine circles and sections to suit your rhythm of life.

Different directions

A wide range of activities: sports, creativity, intelligence, languages, music, allowing the child to discover their abilities.

Skills development

Classes help develop logic, memory, communication, leadership and independence, which are useful in later life.

The key to a happy childhood and a successful future

To make each of these principles a reality, we recruit only a professional team and constantly improve all training and development processes. Our graduates easily get into the best educational institutions and succeed there, because they love to learn and do it well. Your child’s success and comfort is our main goal.


Not every person who knows English will be able to teach a child. Our team includes not just professionals, but teachers who love children. Everyone knows classical teaching methods and skillfully adapts them to the needs of the child.


We are convinced that a child will study effectively only when he or she enjoys the process itself. We instill a love of learning by arranging the schedule and workload so that the child perceives attending classes as entertainment, not an obligation.


We understand that every child has a different pace of learning. In addition to subjects and sections, we are always engaged in psychological support for each child. With us, learning will be really comfortable, easy, fun and effective.

The obvious benefits of additional training

Subscription for classes

A subscription for classes can be purchased until the 5th of the current month for the current month, after which only a one-time payment is possible.

The subscription is not recalculated and its cost does not change depending on the number of working days in a month.

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Частная школа

Москва, Ходынский бульвар, дом 19. (9 минут от метро ЦСКА).

Детский сад

Москва, Ходынский бульвар, дом 5, к.4. (7 минут от метро ЦСКА).