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Native Speaker

English with a native speaker

Despite the fact that English is included in the compulsory school curriculum, not all students can master it in the lessons at a proper level. Big groups don’t allow a teacher to pay attention to each student and explain the most difficult issues for them. At this age, without any success, a child is more likely to quit than to start self-learning.

At “5GREEN”, we offer a Native speaker course for children from 7 to 11 years old in small groups. We focus on overcoming the language barrier and teach kids to speak – this is what becomes the biggest problem for most students. A small group allows the teacher to pay attention to each student, to support and advise.

We select relevant topics for lessons, offer our own teaching methods for the most effective understanding of learning material. Only modern vocabulary and really useful rules will allow children to easily understand their favorite cartoons or TV series in the source language. Visiting our club will be an excellent base for further study of English at an advanced level.

Come to the first trial class and see the effectiveness of our teaching methods.

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